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Will companies finally start putting money into cybersecurity?

12/01/2022 12:49 PM By Vicente Agama

With so many businesses falling victim to cyberattacks, will this finally prompt companies to put some money into protecting themselves?

Cybersecurity is an important topic for every company. They are spending billions of dollars on cybersecurity, but how much should they spend? How can you tell if you are spending too much or not enough? What factors determine how much money a company should spend on cybersecurity?

How much do companies spend on cybersecurity?

Most companies spend less than 1 percent of their revenue on cybersecurity. But some companies spend more than 10%.

Companies that are more successful in the market tend to have higher budgets for security, while those that are unsuccessful tend to spend less.

Why do companies spend so little?

Well, it is partly because their budgets are limited and they have other things they would rather spend them on. It is also because they are not sure what success looks like or how best to achieve it. This makes companies more reluctant to invest in something as intangible as cybersecurity.

Is it possible to buy too much cybersecurity?

It’s entirely possible to spend too much money on cybersecurity. While it may appear like a good idea to buy more than you need. It can really be costly in the long run if the product is not well-matched with your system or simply doesn’t work as expected.

There are also hidden costs associated with buying too much cybersecurity. If you buy something that doesn’t work well, then that money is wasted and it may even hurt your companies reputation if customers believe they can't trust what you're selling them because of poor quality products or services offered by your brand name.

Do companies need to spend more on better cybersecurity?

One of the biggest reasons why companies do not to spend on cybersecurity is because the field itself is constantly changing. Threats emerge all the time, and companies need to be prepared for any possibility.

When it comes to security and risk management you have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Not only that, but every new attack vector adds another layer of complexity to your security practices and that can significantly increase your costs.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing investment in which there are no guarantees of protection against attacks (or even detection).

It’s an investment that needs constant upkeep. New data sources are created endlessly and existing sources change over time, which can provide attackers with more data than ever before about their targets defenses and vulnerabilities.

What should a company's cybersecurity budget be?

You have probably read a lot about how companies should spend money on cybersecurity. But what should your company's cybersecurity budget be? The answer depends on the size of your company, the industry you are in and the risk of a cyber attack.

If you are looking at cybersecurity from an IT perspective, then you might want to start by calculating just how much it would cost for your company if something happened.

If a data breach occurred and personal data was stolen, what would that cost?

What about if someone stole intellectual property or took over our email account? Or even worse. What if they physically damaged our servers with malware? How much would that cost to fix?

The next step is figuring out how much it costs to prevent these things from happening in the first place (and again, this will differ depending on which type of attack we are talking about).

If there are security systems or software solutions available that can help protect against each type of attack (eavesdropping devices for eavesdropping attacks; firewalls for network attacks; encryption software for ransomware), then those costs should also be factored into your budgeting process (or at least considered when comparing options).

What factors influence how a company allocates its cybersecurity budget?

It depends on the industry. If you are in financial or healthcare for example. Then it is likely that you need to change your cybersecurity budget every year or two because of new threats and regulations.

If you are not sure how often and how a company should change its cybersecurity budget. Don't worry! You can always ask your IT provider for help.

It is also important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to cybersecurity. In fact, it can be helpful to think of cybersecurity as a constantly evolving science one that is never truly finished or perfect. 

Even if you feel like your company is doing everything right. You should expect new threats and regulations to come along that affect how you allocate your budget.

What factors determine how much money a company should spend on cybersecurity?

There are numerous factors that determine how much money a company should spend on cybersecurity.

These include the size of the company and its industry, as well as its risk profile and value to customers or users.

For example, if you are a small startup with only one employee, it might make sense for you to skip investing in cybersecurity entirely (if it is not worth your time). Even if you are small. You should still consider it as you grow.

If you are Uber or Google (or any other tech giant), spending millions on security may really be an investment. One that could save those companies even more money down the line by preventing data breaches and mitigating damage after hacks occur.

How much of the money spent on cybersecurity is wasted?

While cybersecurity is a difficult problem, the good news is that it is also one of the most important areas for IT professionals. The threats are constantly evolving, and it can be hard to know what products to buy. But even when you do everything right, there is still a substantial amount of wasted money in cybersecurity.

For example, some companies spend a substantial amount of money on cybersecurity but do not have any idea if it is working or not. They do not know how effective their security measures are because they never test them, which is like buying a car without ever driving it or testing its brakes!

Companies should consider cybersecurity

The costs of data breaches and other cyber attacks, including the cost of lost time, lost intellectual property, lost data, repairing damage, rebuilding systems and restoring reputations.

Companies should consider how much they’re paying for cybersecurity insurance and what their options are if they don’t have it.

Many small companies don’t realize they can get cyber insurance at a reasonable price until it's too late. They may also not know that larger companies often share data about breaches with their agents so that all companies can be on the lookout for fraudulent transactions or suspicious activity in accounts where your clients have banking relationships with other financial institutions impacted by an attack.

A growing number of firms are offering cyber risk management services as an alternative or supplement to traditional cybersecurity insurance.

Final Words

We hope that this article has helped you think about the costs of cybersecurity and how much money it really takes to deal with security. The truth is, there’s no magic number for how much a company should spend on cybersecurity.

Vicente Agama